Dollar General Corporation (DG) Stock Forecast
Based in Goodletville, Tennessee, Dollar General operates 20,594 discount stores in the US and Mexico. It generated $40.6 billion in sales for the fiscal year ended January 31, 2025. Over 80% of DG stores are located in communities with a population of less than 20,000 people. Three-quarters of the US population live within three miles of a $1-dollar goods store. The total sales space is approximately 157 million square feet. DG is expanding its traditional stores from 7,400 square feet to 8,500 or 9,500 to accommodate more fridges and a wider assortment. Sales were $264 per square foot in 2025.
The store sells daily necessities that you visit frequently. DG generates approximately 82% of sales from consumables such as cleaning products and over-the-counter medicines, and 10% of sales from seasonal products, including toys. Approximately 5% of sales come from home products