British Conman Hendy Freeguard was jailed for six years after slamming French police.

“I was enough. I was in panic,” he told the court, apologizing to two genderms who drove in the small village of Vidirat west of Clermont Ferand.

“I was an emotional person so it didn’t stop.”

Prosecutor Alexandra Pechu said rural areas are not war zones.

One officer collapsed, and the other was thrown into the windshield of a car for a few meters.

Hendy Freegard, who told the court that his real name was David Hendy, was released several years earlier than his appeal in the UK after the charges of temptation were cancelled.

Witnesses at the 2005 trial in the UK had explained how they had been exposed to years of poverty as he controlled them. Forced or controlled actions ultimately became a crime in England and Wales in 2015.

Hendy-Freegard was released from prison in 2009 and moved to France in 2015, where he started a beagle breeding business with his partner Sandra Clifton.

However, neighbors began to suspect that Clifton was under his control.

When the first documentary was released in 2022, in The Puppet Master: Hunting Hunting The Ultimate Conman, they contacted her children who had been seeking help using the program to find her.

Clifton’s son traveled to the village, and when Hendy Freegard arrived, the beagle had been removed by a local charity. When two Gendermouses asked the ex-con question, he ran away, attacked the police and fled to Belgium.

He was later handed over and detained for more than two years before he was brought to trial to run the two officers.

Hendy Freeguard denied that his partner was under his forced control and informed the court that his neighbor had problems with him for the documentary.

But Vidaillat Mayor Martine Laporte said that what emerged from the trial was “he was manipulative to the end, and that would not change.”

“He really has to be stopped because if he comes out, he’ll start again and be worried,” she was quoted as saying by the French media.

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