Singapore: Former Minister Iswaran, imprisoned, has been moved to house arrest

In Singapore, inmates may be transferred to home detention after being assessed for factors such as prison behavior and response to rehabilitation.

Authorities said Iswaran has found “low risk of recidivism, does not commit institutional crimes in prisons, and strong family support.”

During home detention, he will need to wear an electronic surveillance tag and report it to prison authorities for consultation.

Local broadcasting channel News Asia reported that it had seen Iswaran eating at home on Friday.

Iswaran’s 12-month prison sentence was longer than what both his defense team and the prosecutors sought during his trial.

During his sentence in October, The judge said civil servants like Iswaran should be viewed as “a greater negligence in abusing their position to obtain valuable gifts.”

Iswaran is the first political office owner in Singapore to be tried in court over the past 50 years.

The Minister faced a corruption investigation in 1986, when the investigation was investigated because he accepted bribes in 1986. He committed suicide before being charged.

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