This forgotten Nintendo Switch game allows you to level up your training

1, 462 days It’s behind us in the end of January. Perhaps Hayes, “New Year, New Me!” Going to run At least in much of the Northern Hemisphere, it feels cool, grey, dark, wet, and sometimes masochistic. If that’s you, you’re not alone Some studies Approximately 20% of people at gyms that start in January will end within a month, with only 22% going on a year later. But what if you didn’t need to go to the gym? What if you could create an overflow of celebration by playing video games instead?

If you’re excited to jack while in goblin mode on the sofa Mario Map And then inhaling nachos, the bad news is that that particular strategy doesn’t work. sorry. But I’ve spent the past few months focusing on exercise video game For my usual routine, the results were promising and surprising.

First off, disclaimer: I am not a qualified personal trainer or dietitian, so I need to look elsewhere for specific exercises and dietary advice. The following simply reflects my personal experience using these so-called “Exergames” and I always need to seek expert advice before taking on something new. Have you got it? Okay, let’s dive in.

Warm up

Some background: Surprisingly, writing about video games and technology is not the most active career. Plus, after the Covid lockdown, I didn’t just go vaguely through for regular exercise in the first place. With little notice, I creeped up to a weight of 105 kilograms (230 pounds). Until spring 2024, I was really shocked to do something about it, but when the otherwise routine blood tests came back, my hemoglobin A1c count (aka HBA1C, before 3 average blood sugar levels are measured in months (several months) to put me firmly in diabetic territory.

My immediate response: “Absolutely not.” Back in the gym, I initially focused on aerobic exercise before incorporating more weightlifting sessions. I accumulate until early December 2024, along with recreating my diet, cutting out snacks, drinking alcohol, and tracking my daily calorie intake. Approximately 17 kg (37 lbs) are washed down to 88 kg (194 lbs). He made excellent progress towards the 85 kg (187 pounds) target advised by his doctor, but he was frustrated and bumped into a plateau. The same routine that got me didn’t seem to get me any more.

This is where the video games have returned. A few years ago I got a copy of it Ring Fit Adventure For Nintendo Switch. At the time, it was a curiosity purchase – I love it The strange game surroundings And I thought that strange Pilates-style rings and JRPG-style turn-based combat would be an interesting experience. Instead, it has remained in box ever since. But now I was watching it sit on the shelf half thinking: “Well, if the video games get me into this mess, will they help me get rid of me? ”

I decided I need to test it. Include additional training for a month Ring Fit Adventure On days when I didn’t use the gym, I stuck to my diet plan, leaving me without exercising to recover one day a week. From that month onwards I will weigh myself and report whether using Exergames can really push me off that plateau. Many of this testing period took place in December and throughout the holidays, so spoilers: neither point was featured in the plan, but I still had some positive results.

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