Torquial Sheik Ainoe for the Riad Season: Nakatani Top Choice

Turki Al-Sheikh hopes Naoya Inoue will face Junto Nakataini in a Riyadh season clash in December. He says that’s what he wants, but if that doesn’t happen, he still wants a “great battle.”

Avoid vertices

If Turki wants recommendations for Inoue’s opponent, there is a pack of apex predators who jump at the opportunity to expose the 31 year old. But I don’t think he would agree to fight any of them.

Inoue plans to change his schedule. Sam Goodmanhe had planned to fight until he was pulled out in the cut last month on January 24th. Instead, Naoya fought against his substituted opponent, Ye Joon Kim, knocking him out in the fourth round.

That’s another discrepancy in their long line for Inoue, and fans are tired of seeing him not accepting the opposition who shot him to beat him. Nakatani (29-0, 22 Kos) may be a little too good for Inoue, so he may receive the same treatment Murojong Ahmadaliev is being ignored.

Thurki did not mention the name, but fans want to see Inoue (29-0, 26 Kos) fight a dangerous fight for change.

Challenger pool

-Rafael Espinoza
– Bruce Carrington
– Eduardo “Sugar” Nunues
– Emmanuel Navarete

Inoue doesn’t seem to have much interest in fighting any of these five fighters. Most, if not all of them, defeat the “monster” Inoue and pull him down to Earth.

December Riyadh

“In December, we’ll do Innoe. I like it against Japanese champions. Yeah, Turki al-Sheikh said. ESPN I hope Naoya Inoue will fight WBC Bantamweight Champion Junto Nakatani in December. “But if that doesn’t happen, it would be one of those great fights.

“He is special (Inoue) and this year we celebrate 75 years between our country (Saudi Arabia) and Japan. Japan is very important to us and is very big in the long week of December. We’ll be doing an event,” Tulki said.

Last updated on 02/08/2025

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